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09 June 2021
Student ID : 6205596
MFA in Design

Perception of food: Effect of plating on appetite & enhanced experience of eating

Jiajia Ma

This design researching various triggers that affect appetite and experimenting with various interesting edible materials and combining with food.

  This project aims to understand how plating or the art of a plate with food can affect people's appetite. Our food experiences are also influenced by the cutlery's visual and touching, among other factors (such as material, the plate's colour). With so many different foods around us, it is helpful to know what we should pay attention to set ourselves up for eating healthy foods that make us feel our best and most energized. Paying attention to our cutlery's effect on our appetite can help us form better eating habits and encourage ourselves to make healthier choices daily. We will go on to look at some of the innovative ways in objects like cutlery, can have an effect on our appetite or it could potentially push even further. We can get the latest insights from research in this area as inspiration for design some product can affect the dining environment and therefore achieve the affect appetite.
