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You are The Designer.

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28 March 2021

You are The Designer.

Have you ever noticed your surroundings and saw something strikingly impressed, wanting to take a closer look or get in touch, such as a beautiful place or an artwork that you see in different media, or a place where you feel beautiful? If in your heart, you enjoy your surroundings, you will probably love art and design. These works are created by a professional group of “artists” and "designers" who have already figured out how to express themselves and to make you feel interested until you are impressed.


It is not just what you see but through the process of thinking and communication of how to make a piece or a beautiful place launching to your eyes as well. So if your understanding of design, It’s just a piece of beautiful works, you may reconsider. Design is the passed through the process of thinking, creating until launching something to meet the needs of users or customers.

Do not underestimate yourself 

If you think you cannot think of anything like a person who is a designer who must be a person with talent. You may miss the concept of being the designer in the reality as well as you might misunderstand yourself. You are becoming a designer since you start to think, create or change something with creativity from small objects, behavior until society. You have only just never discovered yourself, your ability, or your hidden talent.

Creativity is a must for designers. Whether you want to create or change something, all that needs is creativity. It is a key element in designing for a designer. A designer needs to be creative which means that we have to be brave enough to think new things or think of things that no one has yet thought or thought of. Especially, when you think and act first, you will be the leader in the matter immediately.

Find the place to support your dream

Design Department, College of Design at Rangsit University, we will provide you good creativity with a design education approach, both in theory and in practice. 

Whether you want to design, to create something aesthetics, or to change something for the better life, at our design department, we will focus on the learner-centered environment. Not only just providing information, but also focusing on the participants' concerns and involves them in making decisions and solving problems. 

With our support, we believe that you can be a designer the way you wish, and can see yourself clearly as a great future designer. 

Design Department, College of Design, Rangsit University
