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09 June 2021
Student ID : 6105842
MFA in Design

Work / Space Seeking Nature-Based Design Solution for Wellbeing

Vorakorn Kanokpipat

“Connect” The modular screen design system made from recyclable paper material blended with natural inspired patterns.


Design Synopsis : 

The purpose of this study was to start with the question why do we get stress at work? What is the cause? and how can we explore some design tools to help relieve stress in the workspace? After the research had found that an important reason is that the disconnection from nature that causes the stress. Because we are biologically innate connection with nature which is our natural habitat. The problem had brought to this topic to help improve wellbeing at work. The author had studied the sustainable framework as a based criterion and sorted the most related principle to use as the methodology. 

The extracted results to the prototyping “Free Flex Screen”. The modular screen design system is harmonized from the various sizes of recyclable paper tube blending with the natural pattern in connection with elastic rope as the connector via threading and knotting technic. It can be adjusted in different functional usage scenarios from collaboration meetings to privacy focusing areas with the key message “Connect with Flexibility”

Ultimately, to offer better mental and physical health to the new generation in the work context and leave some room in the design to urge their creativity and flexibility which crucial in the future of work. 

