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“Work in Progress –The Devil is in The Details”

5,694 viewers
18 March 2024
College of Design

Open for Work:
Work submission: March 28th, 2024 to April 5th, 2024

Call For Papers:
Research paper submission: March 28th, 2024 to April 25th, 2024

Please see submission fee and detail at
The symposium is hosted by Council of Arts and Design Deans of Thailand (CADDT), The Association of Siamese Architects under the Royal Patronage (ASA), The Royal Photographic Society of Thailand and Thai Graphic Designers Association (ThaiGa); operated by the College of Design, Faculty of Digital Arts, and the Faculty of Architecture Rangsit University. International Arts and Design Symposium “Work in Progress'' (Founded in 2012) is an international forum for scholars, designers, and artists from various fields to share their works in progress.
Inspirational Theme “The devil is in the details''
At the core of exceptional design lies a principle: 'The devil is in the details.' This profound insight, a playful inversion of 'God is in the detail,' attributed to the legendary German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969).

In the realm of design, the distinction between the ordinary and the extraordinary often resides in the finer details. Missteps in the design process and a lack of oversight in the execution of details can lead to undesirable outcomes, endangering the entirety of the final design. Intense oversight can unravel a project, transforming potential success into a learning experience.
The devil is in the details’ let us explore the harmony of creativity and precision. Greatness in design is achieved through mastery of the small insignificant elements. Whether it' s refining a design to its purest form, ensuring functionality aligns with form, or innovating within the confines of tradition with the insights and inspiration to elevate design work beyond the ordinary. Each detail, no matter how minor it may seem, is a vital component of the whole, deserving our close attention, not just as a practice but as a philosophy.
Haste could reduce excellence. Slow down, to examine details with loving and respectful and considerate eyes. Only in this careful, deliberate process that 'paint out the devil,' and transform challenges into success.
