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3797 viewers
15 July 2022
Student ID : 6100861

‘Life After Death’ illustration Designing Project

Kanchana Buarung

‘Life After Death’ illustration Designing Project


Kingdom Fungi is a living organism that includes molds, mushrooms, and yeasts. Its inhabiting plays an important role in being a substances decomposer as well as helping redistribute the nutrient cycles in the world’s ecosystem. However, with its roles that people generally perceive, Kingdom Fungi is believed to be only an incompetentsmall creature that essentially consumes the particles like carrion or detritus; some even consider it as just a food for human (especially some types of mushrooms).

To emphasize the image and the fundamental understanding, including some interesting facts, ‘Life After Death’ illustration Designing Project unfolds the story of how Fungi live whichstart from being a decomposer of various kinds of substance. Between the life after death and the time before a life begins, there actually is a kingdom of living organism that saves many lives in the ecosystem. In other words, it is the story that starts after death.

‘Life After Death’ illustration aims to convey the significant roles and how wonderful the processes in Kingdom Fungi are in order to build awareness of individual as being such living creatures as human beings, to be aware of how small we are as a part of the ecosystem and other living creatures on earth.


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