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Zero Project

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22 March 2021

Zero Project

Have you ever wondered why fashion sometimes features bizarre designs?  Some may be questioning who would wear those unconventional outfits that seem odd and different from usual clothing. This question may arise among the second-year students of the Fashion Design Department of RSU, when they start the first design project named, “Zero Project” or so-called “Unseen Skirt” in the first semester.

Before the creation is shown at Guan Yin Pavillion, Rangsit University, the students need to go through the Fundamental Fashion Design course, which aims to unlock student's creativity. Unlike designing trendy or conventional clothing, the course emphasizes highly creative design and requires students to create a skirt with a new form and construction, based on an experimental approach. By focusing on a skirt, also requires students to consider the wearability no matter how radical the design is. During the project, students experience the unique design process at RSU, ranging from analysis, problem-solving to design execution, all of which aims to establish the fundamental of design thinking and individual creativity. Considering the creation as an exercise for creativity, it is an understandable reason why bizarre designs are created.

        Department of Fashion Design, College of Design, Rangsit University

