In Shed of Memory
Pytt Saisangthong
All the growth and transforming changes of the snakes, they showed me such through each of their sloughing times.
“In Shed of Memory” is an art thesis, created from my initial interest in shooting photos of my “snakes”. After having considered how to present and combine such motivated ideas as well as other photography concepts of mine, I reached a resolution to pick up their “sloughs” as my major shooting subject in order to present them “an idea of process to grow”.
All the growth and transforming changes of the snakes, they showed me such through each of their sloughing times. While I fed them, I kept recording of their weights and taking some notes of their story. I, finally, wrapped all these up in these photos, intending to firstly exhibit the memory and connection between my snakes and I, from the first day we met until now and secondly convey the meaning of process to grow. I hope the sloughs taken in my memoir photos will shed the audience a sense of the process to grow, biding with an appreciation of the relationship between my snakes and I.